Mark's 'Orb'

2008 July 12

Created by Barry Love 15 years ago
A touch late with this explanation of the night-time photo of Mark's plot, but after our gathering to toast Mark's birthday in July, Chrissie and I returned to the cemetery to see just how well (or not) his solar lights glowed - and I was stunned and gladdened by the sheer number of similar lights dotted around all over. The atmosphere was amazingly serene and calm, as befits such a place, and when I reached Mark, I decided to try to take some photos of the glowing lights. It was magical. The first few shots without the flashgun produced just tiny glimmers, so I decided to use the flash and watched over the top of the camera to see how it affected the background. In the instant of the shutter opening, I saw nothing unusual - just a burst of brilliant light that seemed to light up a long way...but for some reason, I started weeping - and oddly, smiling. It was an strange feeling, and I went back to the car to bring Chrissie in to see for herself. Something kept pulling me back - I didn't know what, or why. Together, we still saw nothing unusual - just absorbed the tranquillity of the occasion...yet, when we downloaded the pictures into the PC the next morning, there, hovering plumb-centre over Mark was the brilliant white disc you can see in the gallery picture. Chrissie said straight away, "It's an orb - a spirit orb", and went on to explain the phenomenon to me. Many others have since seen this picture - all have declared the same fact, without any prompting from us. It looks as though Mark WAS there with us after all, 'celebrating' his birthday as we had all hoped... I hope that those of you who are spiritually-minded can draw some comfort from that, especially his Dad and Karen, who couldn't be with us then. Regards to all, Barry.